Software Project Rescue

We guide you back on track to project completion
Prompt response and recovery for your critical software project

Sometimes projects go off-trail. If they are not planned and managed correctly they can easily spiral out of control. This leads to increased costs, delays to releases, missed features and bugs in the final product.

What are the signs you need a software rescue team?

Some of the most common drivers for calling on a project rescue service include:

  • Developers going out of business mid-project

  • A constantly expanding requirements list leading to delays

  • Poor software quality caused by workarounds, insufficient testing or lack of technology testing

  • Outdated software is written in outdated programming languages that do not offer updates or support

  • The project isn’t fit for purpose anymore

  • Lack of communication between the dev team and/or dev team and client

How can we help?

First of all, we assess the current status of your critical project and the desired outcome. Then, we design a rescue strategy that may include:

  • Take on the development of the project (or iterations) that reached a critical point and guide the actions to the point that issues are mitigated and the development can continue

  • Work together with your team to establish a set of processes and practices that will keep your project risk-free

  • Help you with specific needs such as code quality, security, integrations, testing, documentation, etc.

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